MRSC Flyer


At Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), I have created a variety of marketing and event materials, print and digital publications including a quarterly print newsletter, templates for presentations and e-newsletters, and collateral for contract projects.

MRSC is a nonprofit that provides services to local government across Washington state. The branding update along with marketing materials need to appeal to government agencies and a diverse demographic including clients that are young along with a large base of older clients. Here are examples of some the collateral I’ve created.

MRSC logo update

What you’re looking at

Logo and Typography Update, Business Cards, Flyers, and a Print Newsletter

The MRSC logo was in need of an update, however the organization was not ready for a complete rebranding as that had been recently done. I updated the typography to be more modern and to work better for sub-branding programs such as MRSC Rosters and Ask MRSC. Additionally, I updated the overall typographic branding and layout style of marketing materials. Below are examples of the updated logo and branding style used on marketing materials.

Business Cards Update

MRSC Newsletter