While at MOHAI, I designed and produced marketing and event materials for both print and online needs, as well as presentation and e-newsletter design. This post features collateral created for MOHAI’s Summer of 2016 exhibition, Toys of the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s.
What you’re looking at
Exhibition Logo, Digital Marketing Ads, a Billboard, and a Quarterly Programs Brochure
The Toys exhibition logo along with a marketing style guide was provided, however MOHAI’s style needed some tweaking to match the style of the exhibition. MOHAI has a rotating ‘O’ with a new design for every exhibition. I designed the yoyo ‘O’ to work as a stand alone graphic and within the MOHAI logo.
As well, to promote the exhibition, I created various collateral. One of the first pieces I worked on was a billboard featuring one of the exhibitions historical toys, the troll.
I also created many digital ads and a quarterly museum programs brochure in which more of the exhibitions colorful toys were featured.
While a basic style guide was provided with the exhibition, I was still able to have creative freedom with playful layouts.